Most of you know that professionally 2015 did not end the way I would have liked it to. Three hard working men who put out a great product were shown the door with very little warning and/or good reason. But that's ok. I know my talent and resolve and I'll figure it out. As long as I'm breathing and there's an open microphone I'll be ok.
I also met some wonderful people in 2015 that I hope will be in my life for many years. And the adulation from family, friends, fans and colleagues after what transpired Monday really bolstered my optimism and faith in people.
I guess Forrest Gump was right when he compared life to a "box of chocolates." I know for me I'm heading into 2016 with a hunger that I haven't had in years. A hunger to not just get back on top professionally but to be the best I can be in all facets of my life.
I want to wish all of you here health, happiness, success and peace for the New Year. Life ain't easy folks so the key is to try to make it as least difficult as possible for yourself. Ring it in big tonight and make this upcoming year your best yet.
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