Mike Francesa lies about Tim Tebow avoiding lesbian Rosie O'Donnell | Bob's Blitz

Mike Francesa lies about Tim Tebow avoiding lesbian Rosie O'Donnell

Indianapolis, IN -- WFAN's Mike Francesa's latest lie is a whopper. No, this one isn't about Super Bowl picks. It wasn't like Thursday's revelation that even after Francesa 'reported' for 3 weeks that Colts GM "Ryan Grigson hasn't even spoken to Peyton Manning!" -- Until Grigson said he did. On Mike's On. No, this one, coming yesterday from radio row, was that Denver Bronco's QB Tim Tebow refused to meet with SIRIUS' Rosie O'Donnell because she is gay.

A tweep asked Rosie O'Donnell if she got to meet Tim Tebow "@Rosie did u get to meet/ interview tim tebow? #goal" Rosie tweeted back, "@KS239 - got to meet him - beautiful eyes - tried to set him up with Jenny Mac ... He was lovely"

And yet, WFAN's Mike Francesa had said earlier, live on-air (and via YES Network as well) that Tebow "had refused to meet O'Donnell due to her lifestyle." Can you say defamation (Slander) in Indianapolis? Media Rantz has all the details.

As a side note, despite being 'tired of Tim Tebow,' there was Chris Mad Dog Russo gladly interviewing the underwear model. Radio hypocrites.

**Update, fake Phil Mushnick tweeted: "The @LGBT has to be up in arms over @MikeFrancesaYES saying @TimTebow wouldn't sit with @Rosie because she's queer." To which Rosie responded: "@PhilMushnickNY @LGBT @MikeFrancesaYES @TimTebow - tim was quite kind and sweet and mike is wrong - whoop dare it is"

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