Mike Francesa gets Eli Manning to Admit 'Balls Could Slip' on a Kneel Down Play | Bob's Blitz

Mike Francesa gets Eli Manning to Admit 'Balls Could Slip' on a Kneel Down Play

Mike Francesa spent, roughly, 3.5 hours yesterday discussing the Tampa Bay Bucs hit on Eli Manning and Giants Coach Tom Coughlin's subsequent anger at Greg Schiano. 4 hours in, Francesa had Manning on his show.

Eli went on to explain the entire set of circumstances: "I guess certain teams you might say, 'Hey watch out for a cheap shot.' That's what we call it," Manning said. "A lot of teams will ask in those situations, 'Are you taking a knee?' and I will tell them, 'Hey we're taking a knee so we're not firing off.' We don't tell our linemen to fire off and hit them on that last play."

Francesa asked him to clarify the "we're taking a knee" remark: "I said it," Manning replied. "I said as I walked up, 'Hey we're taking a knee' but obviously they were down and ready and had a feeling they were about to fire off. There's nothing I can really do about it. I have to make sure I get the snap and the only thing I'm worried about right there is securing the ball and making sure we get the win."

And he Francesa didn't pull a flim flam after that line. He asked Eli point blank, "Couldn't the ball slip out?"

Insight, baby. OK?

Here's the video of the Bucs hitting Manning and the subsequent coaches' talking it over after the game.

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