Student Assistance Corporation Harrassing Phone Call from 800-335-9188 | Bob's Blitz

Student Assistance Corporation Harrassing Phone Call from 800-335-9188

Told you a few days ago that we keep getting phone calls from 800-335-9188, Student Assistance Corporation. (Their website lists 800-635-3786 as a contact # and...SLM Corporation, commonly known as Sallie Mae, as their parent company. Probably why complaints to the FTC are not addressed as you might hope.) When we pressed #3 for "I don't know this person" and told the operator we were recording her she said she hadn't authorized us to record her and hung up. That was about the 20th time they had called the number in question.

Today, they called again. This was the 3rd time they had called since the November 3rd hang up. Each and every time we lodged complaints with the Do No Call form via the FTC. The calls continued. And we nabbed them this time.

Lawsuit follows if we get one more.

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