Phil Mushnick not a fan of Meredith Marakovits' questions | Bob's Blitz

Phil Mushnick not a fan of Meredith Marakovits' questions

Phil Mushnick does a nice job pointing out the A-Rod issue this morning, leading with:

So now what, cousins? Alex Rodriguez returns to the Yankees and hits a double to left-center. What does a Yankees fan, especially a paying customer, do? To quote the 25-year Voice of the New York Yankees, John Sterling, “It’s not as if he murdered someone.”

After the game, what does YES’ reporter, Meredith Marakovits, ask Rodriguez? “How important was it to take two-of-three from the Orioles?”

What's really interesting is the in lockstep with B&C like criticism of MM. They've been pointing that out for the past year:

Craig Carton: Derek Jeter retiring due to Meredith Marakovits' stupid questions.

Carton on MM: "She asks the worst questions possible." The question that set him off? To Brett Gardner: "How important was it to win tonight?"

During Joe Girardi's end of season presser, CC expected MM to ask, "So, is not making the post season worse than when you made the postseason 3 years ago?" "How about this Jeter, he's a good guy?"

8/25 she asked Joe Girardi if going 4-2 was better than 3-3...

Ending with, "'This isn't an internship, I get paid!' -- Craig Carton as Meredith Marakovits."

Finally, peace.

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