ESPN's Linda Cohn Not a Big Joe Benigno Fan [Audio] | Bob's Blitz

ESPN's Linda Cohn Not a Big Joe Benigno Fan [Audio]

Sportsnation host Michelle Beadle had SportsCenter anchor Linda Cohn on to talk Casey Anthony. ESPN's Cohn:

I need to share with you something I heard very disturbing on a New York sports radio station [WFAN], that wasn’t ESPN, by one of the anchors or talk shows hosts who was actually talking about the verdict as it came down, and said, “I hate to admit this because this woman could be a murderer, but I find her very attractive.” It grossed me out so much.

Shut up. The physical attractiveness of defendants of all kinds has been studied for years. And if you're listening to WFAN instead of WEPN like the rest of us - you have to be guilty of some sort of anti-anythingnotESPN directive.

Apparently it was WFAN's Joe Benigno who finds her attractive (She does look like a cross between Jennifer Love Hewitt & Alanis Morissette.) And? Linda isn't listening to the 1050 Mike Lupica show either.

h/t Asher Sports Flasher on Twitter

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